A History of School Nursing
in Clark County, Nevada
School nurses work to enhance the educational potential of all students by promoting wellness and facilitating the resolution of health concerns which create barriers to learning. -Adapted from the Health Services Mission Statement, Clark County School District
Healthy children learn better. Early detection, intervention, and treatment of health problems remove or reduce barriers to learning, allowing students to get the most benefit from their educational setting. Qualified professional school nurses bring vital skills and knowledge to students, their families and school staff. The ease and competence they demonstrate when working with students, school staff, families, and community are essential characteristics of effective school nurses, who also need advocacy skills and awareness of relevant state and federal laws.

A properly prepared school nurse can make a significant difference with children. She is the ideal person to help find meaning in the early clues of excessive absences, behavior problems, and in the frequent complaints of vague physical symptoms that result in regular visits to the health office. School nurses work with teachers, families, counselors, other school personnel and social agencies to reverse the trend towards failure.
While classroom teachers and other specialists open the world of knowledge to students, they can't effectively deal with health problems that interfere with learning. Well prepared nurses can deal with these barriers.
We present here an overview of the history of school nursing and its evolution in Clark County.